Tod Didier Headshot

Tod Didier is a mission-driven storyteller with expertise in strategic communications, policy messaging, and digital communications. His portfolio has spanned thought-leadership development, content production, social media, email program management, and website management.

Tod is currently the Senior Manager of Communications at the Primary Care Collaborative, where he leads the Communications team, shapes the organization's messaging, and guides the organization's outreach efforts.

Previously, he served as the Senior Manager of Communications and Marketing at the National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives, , where he oversaw member outreach, marketing, media relations, and brand management.

Prior to his role at NOSSCR, he served as the Senior Manager of Digital Strategy at the Alliance of Community Health Plans (ACHP). There, he launched the organizations’ digital program; shaped and managed a branding initiative that improved the organization’s reputation among key stakeholders; and developed messaging, narratives, and stories for use in videos, podcasts, infographics, fact sheets, and other deliverables.

Tod also previously served as the editor of PunditWire, a website featuring commentary from professional speechwriters from across the political spectrum; the Editor-in-Chief of Out of Ink, a commentary and opinion site; and the executive producer of Hold Up, a biweekly podcast focused on D.C. culture and national politics.

While Tod is a proud son of Colorado, he currently lives in Arlington, VA, where he argues with his friends in D.C. about whether “crossing the river” is a big deal (it is not). He is passionate about photography and, much to his chagrin, the Denver Broncos, who have perpetually disappointed him since 2016.